anular corrugated steel pipe assemlbed by two half plates

anular corrugated steel pipe assemlbed by two half plates
anular corrugated steel pipe assemlbed by two half plates
anular corrugated steel pipe assemlbed by two half plates
The Annular Riveted Corrugated steel pipe are assmebled by half round corrugated steel plate by bolts and nuts. Annular Riveted corrugated steel pipe is manufactured using 68mmx 13mm ,125mm x 25mm and 150mm*50m corrugations in wall thicknesses from 1.5mm to 4mm

The Annular Riveted Corrugated steel pipe are assmebled by half round corrugated steel plate by bolts and nut. Annular Riveted corrugated steel pipe is manufactured using 68mmx 13mm ,125mm x 25mm and 150mm*50m corrugations in wall thicknesses from 1.5mm to 4mm


Our raw material of the corrugated steel culvert pipe

Our semi-finished corrugated steel culvert

The corrugated steel culvert pipe in stock


The corrugated steel culvert pipe in the container for shipping

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